
This is My medium...

Thanx for droping by to my new blog..i've decided to dedicate this blog to my dear sweetheart linn..i think our relationship deserve its own space,a place that is pure from other stuffs like politics,economics or bla2 whatever things that i like to write...so..for those who think they cannot tolerate with excessive romance or 'jiwang'...please leave from this side or u will only suffer..because i can guarantee that it's full with that kind of stuff...so..enjoy urself...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

For my sayang

there is a girl...

who would be there for me...

to rise up the sun in my life...

who will be there

whenever i need a shoulder to cry on

there is a girl

who embrace me in her love

accept me the way i am

who promise me to stay by my side

eventhough the sun ain't shine anymore

there is a girl

who willingly to sacrifice anything

just to see me smile

who willingly to share anythings,anywhere,anytimes

there is a girl

that i love to death

and only death do us apart

love you forever and always..

love you sayang...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gamba ini amat skema!! hehe.. ape2 pon.. tq soooo much..awk slalu wat sy teharu..